My blogging story!

Everything starts somewhere, it can be hard to imagine when we look at big successful bloggers and Youtubers.
I can’t imagine them being the same as me at one point in their journey. When you start something like a blog it can seem like you are talking to yourself and to start with that is what you are doing. I guess that is where the point is if you are going to carry on or not, it can feel disheartening to not see any views or see any visible progress, but it is there. Trust me!

We live in a digital age, everything is online. Despite this before I started my blog, I had never read one. I started in 2016, compared to the majority of bloggers my blog is still a baby! The reason my blog even exists is a funny one, Rory used to have a thing called Portage ( It is essentially a person that visits a child with additional needs and plays with them and figures out what there needs are in regards to education.) while Rory’s Portage worker was visiting him she suggested I start a blog, I think due to the fact that when it comes to Rory I am quiet vocal. It was like something clicked, It wasn’t until a few days later that I finally looking in to this new world of ‘blogging’. I sat at my computer one night and 3 hours later I had created my own little space on the internet, I then wrote and wrote and wrote. It didn’t matter what it was, it just came out. Whatever I did, it worked. 6 weeks later I was at the WWF HQ at an event and watching the premier of their new Christmas advert. It was crazy.

In the very early days of blogging I didn’t worry about DA or page ranking, to be honest its only been the past 6 months or so that it has really mattered to me. In the beginning it was just me, my blog and getting my voice out there. All the technical stuff didn’t really matter to me. There is just one thing I still don’t understand. What was it that clicked? When I was at high school I hated English, my first GCSE result was a D! and I had to retake it when I was studying at college and only then just got a C. If I had asked my English teacher at that time in my life if they thought I was going to have a future as a blogger and potentially a journalist they would have probably thought, no bloody way and laughed at me. Blogging as brought me so much more confidence in myself and the opportunities I have had are crazy to think about. Looking back at the last 18 months, I can’t believe this has been my life and it sounds so typical and clique but blogging has changed my life. I’ve done things some people only dream of doing and I have worked with some of my favourite brands and the people I have meet are amazing. In terms of goals, I only set myself little ones like social media targets and view targets. I don’t know where my next blog post will take me and I don’t know what position I will be in the next year.

Its brilliant to see new bloggers popping up all the time and I would love to know the reason behind their blog! I am tagging 6 bloggers in this post so they can share their story and inspire others to create their own little space on the internet.

The bloggers I am tagging are:

Jade from Raising The Rings
Kelly-Anne from Mimi Rose and Me
Hanna from Little Snippets
Hannah from Budding Smiles
Amy from Mama Mighalls
Vicki from Tippytupps


7 thoughts on “My blogging story!

  1. This was was so interesting to read! I am hoping my little blog will start to grow soon too but if not it is something I do just for me and like you said, that is more important that being too focused on views etc!

    Amy | Amy Jane & Baby



  2. Love reading about how everyone started out! I have definitely had my eyes opened to what opportunities are out there for bloggers – so glad to see your hobby became something bigger 👌 xx


  3. I always love reading about why other’s started out and how it all happened. It’s a journey for all of us and we all start somewhere and you should be really proud of what you have achieved!

    Lisa x


  4. I started my blog back in 2014 and I only have recently started doing it ‘properly’. I remember before I would write posts I wouldn’t even share them across social medias I just assumed somehow people would find them and read them haha! What a long way we’ve all come. Can’t believe now I earn money doing something I actually love from the comfort of my bed…!
    Much love, Caitylis x x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yea I still don’t really know what I’m doing when it comes to the digital side of things. I hate technology but I love to be creative so I just write and take pictures and hope that people get to read and see it somehow. But lately I’ve become a new mum so I need something to challenge my energy in outside of raising a child and I have really started investing more time into Instagram and now blogging and it feels good as long as I can balance it all. I really would love to get more readers but that’s only recently that I am thinking about that. Its nice to know that people are actually reading your stuff and you are not just chatting to yourself 😂


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