Children Playing With Makeup – Is It Ok?!

When it comes to dress up and imaginative play, I have always seen make up as being part of that. I am a make up lover and my children see me on a daily basis putting on my make up and it is even part of my blog and social media. So naturally they are also interested in it but a question that I have asked myself is; Is it ok for children to play with make up?

Personally, I think it is fine. Like everything, it should be in moderation. It should still be fun and imaginative but also safe. There are so many children’s make up sets available to purchase. I worry about ingrediants and what these kits are actually made up of. I don’t want to put my children at risk of skin conditions due to playing with dodgy make up. Which is why, I let them play with natural make up or make up that I also use so I know that the ingrediants are ok for sensetive skin.

As I said though, it should be fun! We use kits like the Natural Make Up company set. I know that the ingrediants that the kit is made out of is ok for my children to use and it is glittery, shimmery and so incredibly fun!

What do you think? Is it ok?

I asked fellow parenting bloggers what they thought and this is what they said;

Yessss all the time! It’s the only way I can get dressed in peace, and it’s a cute mum and daughter activity.
She is only 4 but absolutely loves a pamper night with face masks and nail varnish.
I just look at it as teaching self care early! – WILDFLOWER AND THE BEAR

Yep! I played with it as a child and my boys have all had fun messing about with it so will have no hesitation letting my daughter using it when she’s older. I’d rather be there showing her how To apply it carefully and choosing good makeup rather than stuff that will ruin her skin and how To take it off and take good care of her skin. – Coffee, Cake, Kids

Yes I do 😊. My daughter loves the feel of my powder foam on her face. There’s no harm in starting her young to love who she is! Uplifting And Inspiring Content

Errrrm I would prefer her not to, but only due to the mess it would make! – My Tunbridge Wells

My daughter loved watching me putting make-up on and kept trying to borrow it (with disastrous results! 🤣) So I initially bought her a beautiful pretend make-up set, which kept her happy for a while. However, she soon wanted to start using real make-up, so this birthday (her 5th) I bought her some cheap clear powder, a nude lipstick, some very light pink blusher and some make-up brushes. She thought they were the best presents ever and they totally eclipsed any of the other more expensive presents I’d bought! You can’t tell she’s wearing it but she thinks you can! I wouldn’t let her wear obvious make-up though, unless it was just for play purposes, but I think I’ve found the happy medium. – Typical Mummy

It depends on the make up, lipstick and eye shadow definitely but probably not foundation or power because her skin is so sensitive I worry it would react to it. – Business For Mums

I don’t, it doesn’t sit right with me but probably because I think it’s overused and women should be allowed to embrace their natural beauty yet so many are made to feel uncomfortable if they do.
I bought her a wooden make up kit (no actual make up) and she loves playing pretend with that. She has sensitive skin like me which is also another reason. – Readaraptor Hatchling

If Harry wanted to why not? I wear it I think it’s beautiful and creative. – Raising Harry

Yes! My 5 year old son does! He loves to play dress up and be different people. No harm in it at all! My daughter is only 6 months old but when she is older I’m
Sure she will play too! I just think when teenagers wear it they need to not cake it on. – Trinimamabebe

Yes. I’ve let my 4 year old have some bits of mine when I haven’t used it or liked the colour. The only stipulation is that I am there when she plays with it and that we take it all off after playing. She knows it’s important to remove it all at the end! She makes up myself and her daddy and really enjoys it. And she’s very delicate with it too! – A Rose Tinted World

My daughter is 16 and still doesn’t wear any. She used to dip into my makeup bag for a look, which I didn’t mind, but she has never really been interested in it! In some ways I’m glad as it saves me a fortune 🤣 – The Mini Me’s and Me

Yes my 5 year old loves it and I can always remember my Nan letting me play with hers so brings back nostalgia – Anklebiters Adventures

We haven’t until recently my youngest is almost 10. I don’t wear makeup, I never have unless I’m going out. So until recently it’s never been on their radar. My daughter asked for some last Christmas. We got her makeup that aligns with our views and ethics. She watched videos, tried it a couple of times, decided it was great but a lot of work and hasn’t worn it since January… – Rainy Day Mum

Happy to allow it, it’s only makeup after all and fun to include into play – SarahLou Writes

None of my girls aged 11, 17 and 22 have ever been interested, I put it down to the fact that I only wear it when I go out and my sister is a beauty therapist and wears it permanently, they were definitely of the view that she looked awful when she didn’t wear it! My eldest does lots of theatre performances so she has now learnt to do it for the stage, but it’s obviously very different to everyday make up. – Great Yarmouth Family Fun

I’d be very cautious about encouraging using make up. If it was just for fun, I’d understand the creative side but I think a lot of women see make up as a necessity or barrier and I wouldn’t want to encourage an unhealthy sense of self. – Mummy 2 Twindividuals

Of course! It’s all about textures and sensations. My almost 2 year old loves to play with my brushes, tinted balms and pressed powders 💗 – Natural Beauty With Baby

Yes my daughter has asked for some for Christmas. She is 4 but I have spoken to her about makeup is a way to express yourself and be creative and you don’t need it to feel beautiful as she is already. – Beauties And The Bibs

Yes, as long as its not my expensive mac make up! I think it is good to be able to express yourself. My 8 year old likes to put a bit of her make up on when goes to parties. She likes to get creative. – Mum, That’s Me

Yes! My 3 year old has been playing with mine for almost a year now. I use natural mineral makeup and I see it as a way of developing her early mark making skills and choosing colours for a purpose. I’ve recently got her some natural makeup that is specifically for children. – ArthurWears

Yes I have let my twins have a play (they are 5) but this is mostly because of the idea of forbidden fruit. I found one of them in my make up trying on a lipstick on her forehead so I decided if it was something we played with together it would lose the mystique. I let them put on a lip gloss when we are playing but mostly it is about them doing my make up as they thinks it hilarious to make me look like a clown. They do half my face each and have a ball with old makeup and crazy coloured eye shadows I still have from long ago. – Navigating Baby

Yes absolutely, my 8 year old daughter actually loved watching Glow Up and it really inspired her creativity. She took to drawing her own make up designs on paper and then wanted to recreate them on herself. Dominic MUA from Glow Up even commented on one of our Instagram posts and I can’t tell you how excited she was about that. Her birthday last month I bought her a make up case filled with child safe make up so she can practice her art. – Little Miss Eden Rose

I think if it’s for “fun” and “dress up” then yes that’s fine. But it’s when it becomes a need. I know a 7 year old that was saying “she needed it because it made her look pretty” which I explained you don’t need make up to be pretty.
So for my Lily, when she was 3, I let her play with it. It would be smeared around the face like a face paint, Now she is nearly 6 I discourage it as I don’t want it to become something she relies on. Plus I only ever wear makeup myself on a special occasion. – Lily’s Little Learners

I allow my son and daughter to have makeup on for fun, if and when they want to. I wouldn’t allow them to ‘play’ with it alone as makeup is expensive and not a toy. I wear makeup daily, so it’s natural for the children to show an interest in it, and I don’t see an issue with me showing them what the makeup does and how I apply it. – Even Angels Fall

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