Our 6 month update!

Time has gone so quickly and I can’t believe Cleo is now 6 months old!
It’s been 6 months of very mixed emotions. Since Cleo’s birth I did go through a time of finding it hard to cope with the birth. I wrote a blog post on her birth story ( I’ll link it below) , it helped get everything off my chest.

In the last 6 months, Cleo has gone from a tiny newborn to a cheeky little girl. It’s amazing how much they really do change in such a short amount of time. Cleo has learnt so much and her personality is really starting to come through. Cleo’s hit milestones such as rolling over and starting to make cute baby noises. Every day she seems to be doing more and more and changing all the time. It doesn’t see 5 minutes ago that I came round from the C-section and saw Cleo for the first time. Our next goal is to start weaning! A huge time in a babies life to start on new foods and tastes.

We celebrated our first Christmas as a family of 4 and it was more magical than ever. Christmas is always a magical time but it’s even more when you have your own children.

I am currently still on Steraline for my PTSD and PND, I’m feeling so much better then I did in the first month after Cleo was born. My personal goal in the next 6 months is to come off my medication completely. It’s a big goal but I’m really hoping to get there.

We have some big adventures planned in the next 6 months! Cleo is having her first holiday and there are some big events coming soon!

It’s odd to think that in 6 months time we will be celebrating Cleo’s first birthday, she will be different baby to who she is now and she will be hitting even more milestones!

Cleo’s birth story


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